Eight meat pies. A bear devoured it in front of a terrified homeowner before escaping the house in British Columbia that it somehow intruded into last weekend.
In what seemed like too wild a moment between humans and animals, Colleen Linley said she was stunned when she saw a bear at her home in Peachland early Saturday morning.
Bear activity increased in the BC community
Shocking story of an encounter between man and bear. This is the bear that broke into a house in Peachland last weekend and caused the residents the surprise of a lifetime. The story tonight on the @GlobalOkanagan news at 5, 6:30 and 11 a.m. pic.twitter.com/1qs8uxSbel
– Klaudia Van Emmerik (@KlaudiaGlobal) May 23, 2019
The Okanagan resident suspects that a lower door to her house was not properly secured, allowing the curious and likely hungry guy to enter.
“I found out about the bear when my sister heard the freezer fall over,” Linley told Global News about the incident at 5:45 am. “And she came into my bedroom to wake me up, to ‘better come and see’.
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“That’s how I found out that the bear is there [my home]. I did not hear it.”
This is the back door of the Peachland house that the bear was able to open. Homeowner Colleen Linley says the latch was loose and the door wasn’t locked properly for the bear to open. @GlobalOkanagan pic.twitter.com/jK4YQbiVPI
– Klaudia Van Emmerik (@KlaudiaGlobal) May 23, 2019
WATCH BELOW (airing May 14, 2019): Black bear climbs out onto the balcony on the second floor for a snack
Black bear climbs out onto the balcony on the second floor for a snack
Black bear climbs up to the balcony on the second floor for a snack – May 14, 2019
Linley said her first reaction was “shock”. I thought she was kidding me. But it was very true and a very big bear. “
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According to Linley, the bear was in the house for about 10 minutes. During this time the bear found its way into a small utility room, where it overturned a small freezer and served itself to eight frozen meat pies.
WATCH BELOW (broadcast April 12, 2019): Be vigilant
Be vigilant
Be Aware – April 12, 2019
“It was shocking and kind of scary,” Linley said. “You’re a little frustrated because you don’t want it to attack you.
“But now we’re laughing at it. But it was a little scary back then. It came in and stole eight meat pies from the ladies of the Legion in Rossland. They took four steps down and sat down in front of us and ate them. “
Bear sightings in the interior of BC lead to a warning from WildSafeBC
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Linley said the meat pies prepared as fundraisers are “delicious, and I think” [the bear] thought it too. “
Peachland has seen an increase in bear sightings lately – so much so that WildsafeBC has gone door-to-door to warn citizens and encourage them to become more aware of the bears.
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