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Ethereum Classic

Bitcoin Big in Japan, Ethereum Dominant in Singapore, Australians love Cardano

Source: Adobe / ontronix

A new poll from a personal finance comparison site finder took a look at which crypto asset is most commonly owned in certain countries and in which countries certain crypto assets have the highest acceptance rate.

The survey examined 22 countries and 5 cryptoassets: Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Cardano (ADA), Dogecoin (DOGE) and Binance Coin (BNB).

Among the countries surveyed, Finder noted that Nigeria ranks first with a crypto ownership rate of 24.2%. This is followed by Malaysia with 18% and Australia with 17.8%. The global average is now 11.4%.

Just over one in 10 – or 11.4% – of surveyed adults worldwide owns crypto, Finder said.

If you look at the percentage of people who own cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin takes the largest share of the 22 countries on the Finder list. Third place Australia is followed by Indonesia and Hong Kong, while the US is 10th, Canada 13th, Russia 18th, Great Britain 20th, and so on.

While BTC takes first place as the most popular crypto asset, the other places change depending on the country. ETH, for example, is the second most popular on this list in most countries, but it’s DOGE in Indonesia, Hong Kong, Brazil, and Colombia. In the Philippines it is BNB.

Source: Finder

As for the adoption statistics on these specific coins, BTC has the highest adoption rate in Japan with 76.7% of adults owning crypto who say they own that coin – 1.3 times the global average adoption rate of 58.9%. Japan is followed by South Africa and Singapore, while Germany is in last place, ahead of the USA.

Source: Finder

Ethereum is the most dominant in Singapore with 52.4% of adults owning cryptocurrencies that claim to own ETH – 1.9 times the global average adoption rate of 27.4%. Australia and Canada follow, followed by Hong Kong.

Source: Finder

Cardano has the highest adoption rate among crypto owners in Australia at 26.3% – 1.4 times the global average adoption rate of 18.5%. Ireland and Russia take 2nd and 3rd place, at the very end Japan is taken over by BTC.

Source: Finder

The highest acceptance of BNB can be found in Indonesia with 26.9% or 1.8 times the global average acceptance rate of 15%. Then come Mexico and Russia, while Japan and South Africa are at the bottom of the list.

Source: Finder

After all, DOGE is the most dominant in the US, with 30.6% of crypto owners saying they own it. This is 1.6 times the global average adoption rate of 19.2%. New Zealand and Indonesia follow the US, while Germany and Japan sit on the other end.

Source: Finder

Finder says they designed and conducted the survey Google, and adds that they regularly survey 41,645 people in 22 countries.
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