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Bitcoin creator Craig Wright 100% Satoshi Nakamoto, says Kleiman’s jury against Wright

The verdict is there: Dr. Craig Wright was the only force behind partnering with Satoshi Nakamoto. Dave Kleiman was not a partner, and his estate does not qualify for Satoshi billions of dollars.

Defense wins on all claims except conversion. The jury is awarding W&K Info Defense US $ 100 million for this. No punitive damages.

– Carolina Bolado (@CarolinaBolado) December 6, 2021

The Kleiman v. Wright jury today ruled on all seven counts against him – conversion – in favor of Dr. Craig Wright decided. The jury ruled in favor of the plaintiff in this regard, but only to the extent that this applies to W&K Info Defense Research LLC, the company that Ira purported to be used by Dr. Sue Wright. This means that Dr. Wright, although the jury found Dave Kleiman had no role in the Satoshi Nakamoto project, was wrongly in control of W & K’s property. For this they awarded W&K $ 100 million – and not the estate of Dave Kleiman.

After his resounding trial, the Kleiman case wins a word from #CraigWright (#SatoshiNakamoto) to his supporters # Satoshi #Bitcoin #CraigWrightisSatoshi

– Jimmy Nguyen (@JimmyWinSV) December 6, 2021

However, it is not even very clear who owns W&K or whether Ira Kleiman was even entitled to call Dr. To sue Wright for it. For Ira Kleiman, who had undoubtedly hoped for a payday from Satoshi Nakamoto, this is likely to be extremely problematic. Instead, he has to explain to another court how he claimed Dr. Sue Wright on behalf of W&K as it is apparently owned and controlled by Lynn Wright, Wright’s estranged ex-wife.

Andrés Rivero said in a statement following the verdict:

“The decision made by the jury today confirms what we already knew to be truth: Dr. Craig Wright is Satoshi Nakamoto, the sole creator of Bitcoin and blockchain technology, and Craig Wright has not partnered with David Kleiman to mine Bitcoin.

Fortunately, the jury recognized the overwhelming evidence – that Dr. Wright holds 3,208 patents related to Bitcoin and blockchain technology, has written extensively on Bitcoin and its underlying code, and restored the original Bitcoin protocol in Bitcoin Satoshi’s Vision (BSV).

“Now that this case has confirmed the origins of Bitcoin’s creation, Dr. Wright to keep his promise to empower marginalized groups through the greatest financial equalization of modern times: The vision of Bitcoin Satoshi will enable people to become steadily part of global capitalism. ”World – start selling, trading, building themselves , not because they have to accept alms from the government, but because they can work for themselves with dignity. Dr. Wright plans to turn the Bitcoin Satoshi vision into something that is sustainable and sustainable and will last. “

The verdict comes after an arduous deliberation during which the jury first returned to Judge Beth Bloom and said they could not agree on any of the questions they were asked. Bloom brought charges against Allen and asked them to make another attempt to reach an agreement.

The lawsuit was filed by Ira Kleiman, brother of the late cybersecurity practitioner Dave Kleiman, and concerned the invention of Bitcoin. According to Ira, Dr. Wright not only invented Bitcoin under the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto, but also in collaboration with Dave. Therefore, according to Ira, his brother was entitled to a share of the partnership’s fortune: namely 1.1 million bitcoin and a loosely defined bundle of intellectual property totaling tens, if not hundreds, of billions of dollars.

Dr. Wright had never denied that Dave Kleiman played a role in inventing Bitcoin. He told the jury during his emotional time on the booth that he thought Dave was vital to the project, but that he had nothing to do with its creation other than providing moral support and cleaning up some of Satoshi’s early writings, such as the White Paper.

Ira says the two were business partners, with Dave Kleiman possibly claiming half of Satoshi Nakamoto’s fortune.

For weeks the jury was confronted with thousands of pages of exhibits and hours of testimony. There was an abundance of evidence that Dr. Wright put Wright right at the center of the creation of Bitcoin in 2008 – a statement from RAAF Wing Commander Don Lynam that Wright gave him a draft of the Bitcoin whitepaper prior to publication and that he ran one of Bitcoin’s earliest nodes at Wright’s direction, early forms of the project he developed while working at BDO years before Bitcoin was released, and emails showing that Dr. Wright has traded huge amounts of Bitcoin since 2009.

On the other hand, there was very little evidence that Dave Kleiman was involved in the development of Bitcoin. In fact, there is little evidence that Dave ever held Bitcoin. For example, medical testimony showed that Dave was too sick to have contributed to Bitcoin, and although he died in poverty, there is no evidence that Dave attempted to use his supposedly vast Bitcoin wealth in the months leading up to his death . His friends all testified that they never heard Dave talk about Bitcoin while he was alive.

For the Miami jury, the evidence showed only one way: no partnership.

In essence, the verdict boils down to the fact that Satoshi Nakamoto was the product of one man: Dr. Craig Wright.

The jury was apparently not convinced by the plaintiff’s reasoning that Wright had chosen to steal Dave’s share of the partnership after his death and forge retrospective contracts to make the transfers appear amicable. The documents allegedly come from the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) investigation into several of Wright’s companies, although their origins are in doubt and none are directly related to Dave Kleiman’s alleged involvement in Bitcoin.

Among all the loosely relevant documents and instances that, according to Ira’s lawyers, prove that Dr. Wright is a liar, the plaintiffs’ strategy appeared to be to turn the process into a referendum on Wright’s credibility.

The counterfeiting problem backfired spectacularly among plaintiffs in the final days of the trial when it was revealed that key evidence in the plaintiff’s case – an email in which Wright apparently invites Dave Kleiman to work on him with Bitcoin in early 2008 – was probably faked by someone other than Wright. The email was the only evidence Dave Kleiman had ever heard of Bitcoin before it was published via the whitepaper in 2009.

They apparently bought that Dr. Wright had mistakenly taken control of W & K’s assets, but not Dave Kleiman – the judges would have felt that Dr. Wright had wronged his dead best friend, they would have several charges against Dr. Wright, including breach of partnership and conversion of Dave Kleiman’s property personally.

Where this Dr. Wright stays is an open question. Undoubtedly, W&K ownership needs to be resolved, and who knows if Ira Kleiman has the physical or financial stamina to argue in court that W&K is indeed his.

In addition, the Kleiman v Wright lawsuit is just one of several legal steps the alleged Bitcoin creator is involved in. In fact, the victory over Kleiman is the latest in an impressive streak of success for Dr. Wright. In the past 12 months, Wright has obtained judgments against Hodlonaut and Peter McCormack for defamatory posts they labeled fraudulent, and has successfully enforced his copyright on the Bitcoin whitepaper against BTC developer Cøbra. Not to mention the pending and threatened legal disputes that are in the starting blocks.

Check out our latest special report on the Kleiman v Wright trial here:

Check out all of the CoinGeek special reports on Kleiman v Wright’s YouTube playlist.

This story breaks and is updated.

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