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Bitcoin SV Price Predictions: What Does Craig Wright’s Victory Mean For BSV Crypto?

Some bombs fell this week that crypto investors have long been preparing for. That is, the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto – the pseudonymous inventor of Bitcoin (CCC:BTC-USD) – was exposed in a contentious lawsuit against Craig Wright. With the verdict on the pronouncement of the verdict and the mention of Wright as the progenitor of the world-famous crypto, many questions are now answered. Continue, Bitcoin SV (CCC:BSV-USD) is in the news thanks to its Wright connection. Now investors are looking for Bitcoin SV price predictions.

Source: Stanslavs /

Craig Wright is a computer scientist and is only just getting past Ira Kleiman’s lawsuit. The late Dave Kleiman’s brother, Ira Kleiman, claims that Wright and his brother worked together to create and mine early bitcoin. The lawsuit is particularly interesting for investors because it clears up the long-unknown identity of Satoshi Nakamoto; Kleiman claims that Satoshi is a team pseudonym, while Wright claims to have worked alone.

The verdict earlier this week clears the air over the longstanding question; The jury decided that Wright is the sole inventor of Bitcoin. There was no violation of a partnership with Kleiman, the jury decided, but Wright continues to pay plaintiffs $ 100 million for intellectual property rights related to Kleiman’s business.

With all of that out of the way, there is now a surge in interest in Bitcoin SV, a branch of Bitcoin. That’s because if Craig Wright is the real Satoshi Nakamoto, Bitcoin SV is far more legitimate than investors previously thought.

Bitcoin SV price forecasts are heating up as BSV turns out to be “real Bitcoin”

Investors typically see Bitcoin SV as an imitation of Bitcoin. BSV originated as the hard fork of another hard fork, sort of a distant descendant of the $ 50,000 company that is now the most famous cryptocurrency of all time. But now investors are realizing that this is really the next step for BTC.

That’s because Bitcoin SV is the product of Craig Wright, the man who has now turned out to be the real Satoshi Nakamoto. It forked from Bitcoin cash (CCC:BCH-USD), which was split off from the original Bitcoin protocol. Bitcoin SV stands for “Satoshi’s Vision”. At the time of its inception, Wright said the fork would be an evolution of Bitcoin, as Satoshi originally intended. In that sense, it would be the “real Bitcoin” – and now that Wright has been identified as the creator, it appears to have been confirmed as such.

As a result of the legal dispute, BSV prices are booming. The coin is up 40% this morning. It is currently trading at around $ 165. Transaction volume is nearly 160% up on yesterday’s volume, with over $ 1 billion in BSV hand exchanges.

Can the FSIO continue this in the future, since investors see this as the real deal? Let’s take a look at some Bitcoin SV price predictions and see what analysts think:

  • Coin Price Forecast assumes that there is still a lot of growth potential in the tank for 2021. The website expects BSV to close the year at $ 184. In December 2022, the site expects that to rise to $ 207.
  • WalletInvestor expects BSV to lose in the next 12 months. The outlet is forecasting a price of around $ 122 as of December 2022.
  • Gov Capital is just the opposite and expects the next year to be full of profits. The website expects BSV to be worth over $ 340 by that time next year.

On the day of release, Brenden Rearick had no positions (either directly or indirectly) in any of the securities referred to in this article. The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and are subject to’s posting guidelines.

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