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EOS China opens new office and technology center in Shanghai »3dpbm

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In 2013, EOS Electro Optical Systems Co., Ltd opened our first office and technology center in Shanghai. The EOS China team has now moved into its new, modern building. The new EOS location south of Shanghai shows customers the latest technology and innovation projects.

The new premises include 800 m² of office space and 750 m² of processing space, including a new laboratory and two rooms for post-processing. There are several meeting rooms and a large multipurpose lobby for events. The installed base includes all important EOS metal and polymer systems.

EOS China opens new office and technology center in Shanghai

EOS China opens new office and technology center in Shanghai

“Our investment in Shanghai is part of a long-term commitment to support our growing customer base in China. Together with our partners in pre- and post-processing and the latest and greatest from EOS, we will help our most important innovators in China to cross borders and develop completely new solutions to increase their profits. “Marcel Vorburger, Vice President Operation APAC, EOS GmbH

However, investments are not only made in the infrastructure. EOS also strengthened the local team: the Additive Minds team will drive innovation and reliability, and the service team will support the industrialization of 3D printed solutions. EOS China is ready to bring 3D printing to the industrial scale.

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