Justin Sun just announced the release of Sun Network on August 10th. According to Sun, version 1.0 of Sun Network is one of Tron’s 100X scalability solutions. Decentralized application (dApp) developers can use the code and create a Side chain on the Tron blockchain to create your own dApp chain (DAppChain).
The network is an expansion plan for the Tron network where the sidechains enable intelligent contracts and cross-chain communication. The adaptable side chains enable the operation of dApps with low energy consumption, high security and high efficiency. The Sun network thus provides unlimited capacity for the main Tron network to become more scalable and support a greater number of transactions.
By adjusting the chain parameters, developers can set their free energy limit, with cheaper energy consumption, a faster consensus process and a longer time limit for executing smart contracts. In addition, the trading pressure on a DAppChain does not negatively affect the main blockchain.
TRON {TRX} is currently trading at $ 0.0223, up 3.45% over the past 24 hours. It appears to be one of the many altcoins benefiting from the Bitcoin {BTC} boom, with most of the alts flashing green. This takes a break from Tron’s recent devaluations due to the antics of its founder Justin Sun.
In a hurricane lasting several weeks, Sun donated $ 4.5 million to charity to have lunch with cryptosceptic Warren Buffett, invited many other industry moguls, and apparently canceled lunch because of “kidney stones.” A Chinese media company alleged that he lied about the kidney stones because he was being held by Chinese authorities in China for illegal activities such as fraud, illegal gambling and running a porn business. Sun responded by broadcasting a livestream of him in San Francisco, debunking the allegations. He couldn’t shake speculation that he was still struggling with Chinese authorities over Tron’s investments, funding and operations in the country. He has since publicly apologized (which has been deleted) for the unprecedented media circus he created during his lunch with Buffett, which hasn’t even happened and now seems unlikely.
About the post author
Tulika Jain
Bibliophile, crazy cat lady with a passion for financial and business journalism. I don’t trade in cryptocurrency, but I am fascinated by the market.
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