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Namibia: Okin talks about Bitcoin, music and being Namibian

“I REALLY hope people can see that you can create the future that they want to see,” says Nikolai ‘Okin’ Tjongarero.

He is the presenter of the podcast ‘#FromTheJump’, in which he interviews creative people and professionals.

His podcast is the first in Namibia to accept gifts and payments in Bitcoin as he seeks to move the creative industry and its stakeholders towards ways to make money for skills in a less complicated way.

The Black Vulcanite Poet recently announced that the first season of its conversational series will be officially available on the local streaming site DonLu Africa.

It first aired in May 2020 and featured comedians, musicians and poets.

The second iteration of the show was released on August 15th on streaming sites like, Apple Podcasts, and Okin’s IGTV page.

In the season two premiere of #FromTheJump, Okin spoke to record producer and tech entrepreneur Tshuutheni Emvula, also known as Becoming Phil.

They talked about the latter’s work making music and working with Black Vulcanite and others.

They delved deep into his Bitcoin ventures and even touched politics.

The story of Becoming Phil is deeply rooted in Namibian music as it was part of the RUN NAMS musical group for a while during its heyday.

He also runs a Bitcoin marketplace called BitCoin Trade Namibia and founded Namibia Computing Technologies, an incubation-based technology company.

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“It only made sense to start the season with the person who tried to get me to point out Bitcoin in 2012,” he says.

Becoming Phil has a wealth of knowledge worth tapping into, and the two-hour conversation goes off naturally, which makes it far more insightful than was initially expected when you hit “play”.

Radio presenter, media personality and MC Che Ulenga was his next guest on the Sunday after the premiere.

She has had a long and acclaimed career, and the two shared her passion for promoting local music, community building, social issues, and her time in entertainment.

For future episodes, Okin says he’ll add more depth and value to the show, and he wants to give his guests “even more freedom” in exploring their stories.

“This time there will be a lot of surprises for the listeners / viewers, with more behind-the-scenes discussions and knowledge transfers from our guests,” he says.

Check out #FromTheJump on the Apple Podcast, Breeze, and Okins IGTV every Sunday.

– Anne Hambuda is a local poet, writer and social commentator. Follow her online for more.

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