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Pokemon Let’s Go: How to fly with the new secret Sky Dash technology

Not much has changed in the version of Kanto in Pokemon Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee, but a feature that fortunately was missing from the old games Hidden machinesHMs. Those awkward moves are gone, but their overworld functionality has been replaced with secret techniques – one of them, Sky skim, replaces the absolutely necessary Flying HM. How to get it.

All of the old HMs have been retired, and that means you no longer need to have weak Pokémon around to act as your HM Carrier or burden your actually high-quality Battle Pokémon with those less useful skills. Back in Pokemon Yellow, of course, you needed HMs – many were vital to traveling the world, while others, like Fly, made it much easier to get around places you’ve already visited.

In previous games, the Fly HM or TM could be taught to a specific Pokémon on your team, but here your partner Pikachu or Eevee takes on the mantle of the aviator without having to endure taking a Battle Move slot. Here’s how and where to learn it.

Here’s how to learn Sky Dash, the new secret technique to replace Fly

the Fly Sky Dash Secret Technique is actually unlocked naturally over the course of Pokemon Let’s Go, but unlike some secret techniques, it can also be easily overlooked as you work your way through the game. An NPC will show up right on your path at a certain point in the story, but if you’re in a hurry you can whiz right past them and miss this secret technique. Perhaps check out this page early on to see how fast you can get Fly – if so, be patient, does! But really – that’s how it works.

Sky Dash is found around three Pokemon Gyms in Pokemon Let’s Go after visiting the Pokemon Tower in Lavender Town for the first time and being turned away by a giant ghost. That sends you in the direction Celadon City and the hidden team Rocket HQ. Inside, you have to solve puzzles and defeat Team Rocket members including their leader Giovanni.

Once you’ve done that, head out of Gaming Corner – the location of Team Rocket’s secret base – and You now see a man sitting next to a strange machine that looks like a bicycle with balloons attached to it. It is shown in the screenshot above. This is actually his flying machine, and Pikachu or Eevee will help you fly around the map.

As mentioned earlier, you can walk right past this guy, but make sure to speak to him. This unlocks Sky Dash, which works just like the Fly HM in previous games – it allows you to quickly travel to any city you’ve visited before by flying over the map of Kanto. To use it, simply open your Play With Pikachu menu, then hit Secret Techniques – once they’re learned and unlocked, the option will appear there.

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