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SOL Solana price prediction: For the next few hours, the price of Solana is expected to be in the $ 169 to $ 175 range.. Overall recommendation for the next few hours is To sell.
None of the momentum indicators are positive. 5 out of 6 momentum indicators are negative
2 analysts
The current price of Solana is $ 172.0588, 4.54% lower than it was 24 hours ago.
Read: Cardano Price Prediction
Solana Price Prediction: Momentum Summary
Momentum indicator |
Display direction |
price |
Lower |
Technically |
To sell |
Social media buzz |
Lower |
Social media sentiment |
Lower |
Market capitalization rank |
Steady |
volume |
Lower |
SOL Solana daily price forecast: technical data
SOL Solana price prediction and forecast: market capitalization and volume data
worth |
trend |
Current market capitalization |
$ 53.9 Billion |
Lower |
Market capitalization rank |
5. |
Steady |
Market capitalization change, last 24 hours |
-5.18% |
Lower |
Volume traded in relation to the $ value |
$ 2.49 billion |
Lower |
Change in the last 24 hours |
-37.06% |
Lower |
Solana Price Prediction Daily: Latest forecast tweets
Originally tweeted by Machiavelli II (@ m_II_s_992) on Dec 17, 2021.
Chart of the day – $ SOL
$ Sol has strong support at $ 160 and $ 140. If it drops below 160, we should wait to buy #Solana for around $ 140-120. But I think it won’t go below 160. I bought $ Sol at $ 158 myself, my first goal is $ 200 and $ 220.
SOL Solana Prediction and Forecast: Social Media Data
Lunarrush statistics
Metric |
rank |
trend |
Social volume |
15th |
Lower |
social commitment |
13th |
Lower |
GALA price prediction
Solana Price Prediction Daily: Crowds Video
SOL – Solana technical analysis for December 17, 2021 – SOL
Solana Price Prediction: SOL in 2021
2021 was a great year for Solana owners. On January 1, 2021, Solana was trading just over $ 1.5. In mid-August 2021, Solana was trading above $ 75. It was the best performing coin, whose market capitalization jumped from $ 75 million to $ 21 billion.
A sharp rise in the price of Solana was noted in the month of the 2nd half of August 2021 when Solana broke the $ 100 mark. Since then, Solana has climbed steeply. On November 7th, it hit its new ATH of $ 260.
After reaching the new ATH, Solana withdrew by over 30%. As the fifth largest cryptocurrency in terms of market capitalization, Solana has recently been exposed to a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack. Delays in token distribution were noted on December 16, causing Solana to drop over 2%. However, since then Solana has recovered. Today Solana is trading at nearly $ 180.
SOL Solana Price Prediction and Forecast: How to Buy Solana Coins
Solana, the Ethereum killer wins with every day that goes by. Like most cryptos, Solana has similar steps to purchase. Here are the steps for “This is how I buy Solana coins”:
- Find a crypto exchange that has Solana coins listed
- Create an account with the exchange
- confirm your identity
- Finance your wallet
- Make the purchase
Note: Crowdwisdom360 collects forecasts and data from across the network and has no internal view of the likely trends of the index or individual stocks. Please contact a registered investment advisor who will assist you in your financial decisions.
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