The upcoming 4K PlayStation 4 from Sony is codenamed NEO and, according to Giant Bomb, offers better processor speed, memory bandwidth and graphics functions than the standard PS4 currently available. Starting in October, publishers will have to ship PS4 games with both a “basic” mode for playing on the regular PS4 console and a “neo” mode that can take advantage of hardware upgrades to improve graphics quality and frame rates to increase. The updated console is said to be able to output in 4K resolutions, but Giant Bomb cites documents that apparently state that games don’t have to be 4K native.
The existence of the updated console – often colloquially known as the “PS4.5” – was rumored last month. Sony hasn’t confirmed the project is in the works yet, but reports suggested it would be released before the company released its PS VR headset in October. intense VR games on the console. The code names would certainly fit PS VR with the “Morpheus” from Neo, but this updated hardware doesn’t mean PS4 Neo owners get exclusive VR modes – Giant Bomb says games must have peripheral parity if a title does does not. In order not to offer VR support in the “base” iteration, this will not be the case in the Neo version either.
PS4 games supposedly have to be in “Base” and “Neo” modes
This move is one of several Sony is reportedly taking to keep PS4 and PS4 Neo owners on an even level. The company’s documentation states that there will be no neo-only games, owners of both versions of the console will continue to use the same PlayStation Store, and publishers will not be allowed to offer special features or downloadable content to owners of one type of console. Crucially, players on both the original PS4 and PS4 Neo can play side-by-side on the PlayStation Network.
Older games can be updated with patches using Neo features
Games released in October must have a neo mode, but publishers and developers can patch their older games to update their older games so they theoretically run better on the newer hardware. For games that were released at the end of September, a patch must be available for the first day that brings them to the neo level. Giant Bomb states that the updated console may not be released until then, although October is when the new Neo rules will be introduced. The games just need to be ready for their arrival.
The new PS4 has not yet been priced, but previous reports suggested it would retail for $ 399 – the original price for the “base” PS4. An updated console is expected to further reduce this, giving consumers a choice between the cheaper, older console and the newer, but more expensive, Neo. This approach seems fair to gamers, but the benefits that higher frame rates offer in some competitive games could force multiplayer-minded gamers to move on to the new console. For others who are happy with their existing console, the rules reported this week shouldn’t divide the community. This makes the Neo a luxury purchase for those investing in either VR or 4K, rather than a necessary purchase for all gamers.
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