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Team up with Niantic to create an AR-based bitcoin rewards app

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Fold launches an augmented reality experience where players can earn Bitcoin in a kind of augmented reality environment.

Fold, a reward and payment app, has partnered with Niantic to develop the Fold AR beta app, which puts bitcoin prices above the real world. It uses real Niantic card technology and the function of Fold to earn Bitcoin rewards. The company calls this a step into the real world metaverse, the universe of virtual worlds that are all interconnected, like in novels like Snow Crash and Ready Player One.

Fold AR is currently available for users to play in beta on the Fold app and allows users to earn Bitcoin and in-app benefits by exploring their physical environment.

Niantic, the maker of Pokémon Go and a leader in augmented reality, is partnering with Fold to create the next iteration of the AR experience.


The 2nd annual GamesBeat and Facebook Gaming Summit and GamesBeat: Into the Metaverse 2

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“This is the easiest and most fun way to get your first piece of Bitcoin,” said Will Reeves, CEO of Fold, in a statement. “Anyone can earn Bitcoin and other rewards with our app by exploring the world around them. For us it has always been important to make it easy for everyone to participate in the Bitcoin economy, regardless of education or technical know-how. “

Instead of finding rare creatures in the world around you, Fold users can discover and collect Bitcoin and other prizes around them, thanks in part to Niantic’s cutting-edge augmented reality platform technology.

Meghan Hughes, director of AR platform marketing at Niantic, said in a statement: “We see a future where our platform technology and AR tools pave the way for new entertainment experiences and games with real connections always help us push the boundaries of technology and allow us to incubate some of our wildest minds, but we see incredible opportunities across multiple categories, including payments. Working with Fold, who has always been at the forefront of delivering Bitcoin, is a perfect collaboration for Niantic and a great use case for Augmented Reality. “

Above: Fold lets you chase bitcoin in the real metaverse.

Image credit: wrinkles

The first rollout of Fold AR begins today and will allow a small number of users to access the experience for a limited time each day. Access will increase over time. Fold Visa debit cardholders can collect special rewards and powers that increase their Bitcoin cashback rewards in the AR experience.

Fold AR app users can step into the Metaverse experience every 10 minutes to find and open a Bitcoin rewards block. Upon tapping to open the block, prices appear that contain fractions of Bitcoin (known as satoshis) and other exclusive prices.

Fold has partnered directly with Niantic to take advantage of the underlying AR technology and create a mobile game that will make Bitcoin accessible to hundreds of millions of users. Fold and Niantic have combined development skills and expertise in mobile gaming and mobile banking to create a novel experience with rewards.

The Bitcoin Earning feature will first appear in Fold and will be available to anyone who downloads the app. Fold provides a digital wallet for all players to hold Bitcoin rewards that can be expanded to other mobile games in the future.


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