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The story of Yella Terra and Holden

In Australia, Yella Terra became an aftermarket powerhouse for Holdens and Fords decades ago, but the fame didn’t come until after founder Dave Bennett turned down a secret project with Holden himself.

Survivor Car Australia has detailed the history of Yella Terra, which dates back to 1967. It was then that Holden turned to Bennett to modify 250 cylinder heads for a secret project. Bennett didn’t have the capacity and turned it down. Eventually, Holden made his own based on a sample from Bennett – and they went into the LC Torana GTR XU-1.

Bennett recognized the missed opportunity and decided to make another set of heads at a low price but great quality. Yella Terra was born, and it wasn’t long before the name was quickly associated with excellence in Holden V6 and V8 engines.

In 1973 Holden came back. The company asked Bennett to produce 250 heads for the 202 Bathurst GTR XU-1. This time he followed suit and that led him to another Holden project: heads for the LH Torana L34.

Perfectune and Yella Terra continued their dominance with Holden and Ford performances in the 1980s and 1990s. And even today the company still offers numerous engine modifications for enthusiasts. For Bennett, the opportunity knocked not just once but twice.

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