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The Tezos Foundation awards a number of grants to smart contract and explorer projects

The Tezos Foundation has awarded grants for projects submitted in response to its recent call for proposals.

According to an announcement made on September 10, the foundation has released 14 new grants for projects to further develop the Tezos project. Recipient projects prioritized developments such as applications built with Tezos smart contracts, Tezos Block Explorer, smart contract development tools, Tezos-focused training resources, and marketing initiatives that improve ecosystem awareness.

Series of recipient projects that have received Tezos grants

The foundation accompanied the announcement with a description of the projects, one of which focuses on improving a Telegram bot to monitor various events on the Tezos blockchain, including transactions, missing block annotations and double baking.

Other projects will look at Tezos-related learning materials and tools, e.g. B. a refined documentation platform for users, the improvement of the TezBridge documentation with detailed text manuals as well as the expansion of the original website to a self-sufficient website library.

After the grants were approved, the Tezos Foundation began distributing funds. The financial details of the grants were not disclosed.

As previously reported by Cointelegraph, major Latin American investment bank BTG Pactual announced that it plans to move its security token offerings to Tezos’ blockchain and smart contracts platform. Dalma Capital, which works with BTG Pactual, also plans to use Tezos to market a variety of assets including real estate, stocks, loans, as well as global sports clubs.

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