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VOD DAI Ad Impression Report Reveals Ad Impressions Up Thanks to Quality Control, Interoperability –

What: In its VOD Ad Impression Report for Q1 2017, Canoe Ventures revealed that its VOD Dynamic Ad Insertion technology helped the platform attain 5 billion ad impressions in Q1 alone.
Why It Matters: This is compared to the 17.9 billion total ad impressions that were generated through the technology in 2016, 11.8 billion in 2015, and 6.3 billion in 2014.

In its VOD Ad Impression Report for Q1 2017, Canoe Ventures revealed that its VOD Dynamic Ad Insertion technology generated 5 billion ad impressions in Q1 alone, putting Canoe on track to reach the same number of ad impressions generated over the entire course of 2014 by early into Q2 of this 2017.

4.2 billion of the impressions in Q1 2017 were from mid-roll ads, 732 million from pre-roll, and 95 million from post-roll. Impressions stayed steady throughout the work week (with slight increases on Monday), and rose considerably over the weekends.

75 percent of the ads were external client campaigns, while 25 percent were network tune-in ads. Of the campaigns that ran, average ad opportunities hovered around 1.05-1.13 in pre and post-roll ads, and reached 3.84 mid-roll ad opportunities. Campaigns that use frequency capping had an average of two impressions per episode.

Through the VOD DAI technology, TV networks can insert VOD programming into their MVPD (cable, telco, or satellite companies) VOD platforms. As the consumer watches his or her television program of choice, advertisements are inserted before, during and after the program.

VOD DAI is interoperable, as “the MVPDs as well as the programmers can choose the technology that best suits their needs,” said Joel Hassell, the CEO of Canoe. FreeWheel and Google DFP, for example, meet minimal standards and capabilities to work with Canoe. While OTT and Mobile also offer DAI, Hassell emphasized that “Canoe VOD DAI is unique because of the quality control Canoe brings to the VOD DAI ecosystem.”

Consumers love quality video and the convenience of enjoying it on their primary screen in the comfort of their living rooms.

Canoe offers quality control in the sense that ad campaigns route through Canoe, where they are then monitored before generating accurate, verified reporting returns.  The goal is to focus on the “quality and reliability of the viewer experience combined with the trust advertisers place in the platform,” Hassell explained. Canoe’s platform reaches over 35 million households through Comcast, Cox, and Charter Spectrum.

Hassell described their “main job” at Canoe as ensuring that “all the moving parts throughout the ecosystem work seamlessly and nothing falls through the cracks.” Their Service Assurance team is constantly monitoring the life cycle of the campaigns, and “alerts the programmer and the MVPDs to any issues before and during the campaign, and has authority to act on any issues that may occur once the campaign is running.

Hassell believes that the VOD DAI’s success stems from the fact that “consumers love quality video and the convenience of enjoying it on their primary screen in the comfort of their living rooms,” and that  “programmers continue to add more content to their VOD offering because they know they can trust Canoe’s VOD DAI to monetize it.” It is also Canoe’s job to “make certain that ads don’t get placed within content that is inconsistent with the advertiser’s brand,” Hassell added.

In terms of targeting, NBC Universo, Telemundo, and Univision all use Canoe VOD DAI to “utilize traditional TV advertising techniques, and simply buy Hispanic-oriented VOD,” said Hassell. But he clarified that “advertisers can also buy specific series on non-Hispanic VOD networks that over index to Hispanics if a network allows for it.”

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